
Rideshare services have become increasingly popular, but with more cars on the road comes a higher risk of accidents. Take a look at the statistics surrounding rideshare accidents.

Rideshare services like Uber and Lyft have revolutionized public transportation in recent years, offering convenience and flexibility at the tap of a button. However, with this comes a corresponding rise in rideshare-related accidents.

As these Lyft and Uber accidents become more prevalent, it’s crucial to understand the legal implications and the rights of those involved.

This article aims to shed light on the statistics surrounding rideshare accidents and emphasize the need for legal awareness and action.

Rideshare Accident Statistics: What the Numbers Say

As ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft continue to grow in popularity, so too does the number of accidents associated with these platforms.

Accidents have also been on the rise with the growing use of ridesharing apps like Uber. Research from Rice University and the University of Chicago School of Business indicates that ridesharing services may be responsible for a 3% rise in accident fatalities.

Interestingly, demographic data shows that people between the ages of 16-24 are the largest users of Uber, at 37%. And 49% of Lyft’s users are people in the 18-34 age group.

As these age groups are statistically more likely to be involved in fatal accidents, this further heightens concerns about safety in the rideshare industry.

Uber’s 2019 to 2020 safety report revealed 101 traffic fatalities across Uber’s platforms, with 32% of collisions involving multiple parties. These rideshare accidents happen mostly because of drunk driving, speeding, and going the wrong way.

The safety report also highlights the incidence of fatal physical assaults and sexual attacks, not just traffic fatalities. In 2019 and 2020, 20 fatalities were reported in a total of 19 physical assault incidents in relation to Uber. (Note that this is approximately 0.000001% of total trips or one in 100,000,000 trips.)

Who is Affected? The Broad Impact of Rideshare Accidents

Rideshare accidents leave a far-reaching and devastating impact on victims—from passengers and drivers to pedestrians and other road users.

Passengers from diverse socio-economic backgrounds and age groups rely on ridesharing for convenience and mobility. However, when an accident occurs, they face not only physical injuries but also emotional trauma and financial burdens.

Uber and Lyft drivers, too, are affected by these traffic accidents as they risk injury—even personal and sexual assaults—every time they get behind the wheel and drive rideshare vehicles.

Third parties, such as pedestrians and drivers of other vehicles, are also significantly impacted by rideshare accidents.

The toll of rideshare accidents extends beyond physical harm – it also encompasses emotional distress and financial hardship. Recovering from an accident can mean dealing with medical bills, loss of income, and the cost of ongoing care or rehabilitation.

Additionally, victims often experience emotional trauma, which can have long-lasting effects on their mental health.

Understanding Liability in Rideshare Accidents

Liability in motor vehicle accidents involving Uber and Lyft is complex due to the nature of ride-hailing services.

In a personal vehicle accident, the at-fault driver’s insurance company is responsible for damages. However, rideshare accidents involve multiple parties and insurance policies. This makes determining liability more complicated.

Firstly, both Uber and Lyft have $1 million third-party liability insurance policies covering their drivers while on a trip. However, this coverage only kicks in under certain conditions and if the driver’s personal insurance doesn’t cover the full extent of the damages.

If the rideshare app is off, any accident that occurs falls entirely under the driver’s personal insurance.

If the Lyft or Uber app is on but no ride has been accepted, the companies offer limited liability coverage.

Secondly, passengers, other motorists, or pedestrians involved in a rideshare accident may find themselves dealing with multiple insurance companies, each with its interests and tactics to minimize payouts.

This can only mean one thing—lengthy, complicated disputes about who was at fault and how much each party owes.

Rideshare companies also classify their Lyft and Uber drivers as independent contractors rather than employees, which adds another layer of complexity. This often gives ridesharing companies a way out—they distance themselves from the actions of their drivers and make it more difficult for victims to seek compensation directly from the companies.

In light of these complexities, victims of rideshare accidents should consider seeking legal advice to navigate the intricate process of filing claims, dealing with insurance companies, and ensuring their rights are protected.

The Role of Legal Expertise in Rideshare Accidents

Expert legal advice is crucial in understanding the nuances of insurance policies, preserving evidence, and ensuring victims don’t bear any undue financial burdens resulting from the accident.

Time is of the essence when it comes to preserving evidence such as skid marks, witness statements, and surveillance. A rideshare accident lawyer can guide victims through this process to help build a strong case.

Insurance policies related to rideshare accidents can be especially complicated. As these policies differ significantly from typical car accident policies, understanding their intricacies requires legal expertise.

A skilled personal injury lawyer can help victims navigate these complexities and work to maximize their compensation.

Rideshare accident lawyers provide support throughout the claims process, helping victims understand their options and make informed decisions. They step in as advocates, understand the emotions and stakes involved, and handle post-accident procedures with confidence.

One law firm with extensive experience in handling rideshare accident cases is Frantz Law Group.

Our team of experts and personal injury attorneys specializes in understanding the nuances of rideshare laws and regulations, and they are well-equipped to guide victims through the legal maze following a rideshare accident.

Steps to Take Following a Rideshare Accident

If you find yourself involved in a rideshare accident, here’s what to do:

  1. Prioritize safety: Immediately after the accident, ensure you and any other parties involved are safe. If it’s possible and safe to do so, move out of the way of traffic.
  2. Seek medical attention: Regardless of how minor your injuries may seem, it’s essential to get medical attention right away. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent but can cause serious complications later. A medical professional’s report can also serve as crucial evidence if you decide to pursue a claim.
  3. Contact authorities: Call 911 to report the accident. The police will document the scene and create an official report, which can be instrumental in determining fault and liability.
  4. Gather information: Collect as much information as possible from all parties involved, including the rideshare driver. This should include names, contact information, insurance details, and the license plate number of the vehicles involved.
  5. Document the scene: If possible, take pictures or videos of the accident scene, including the vehicles involved, road conditions, and any visible injuries. These can provide valuable evidence in your case.
  6. Report the accident to the rideshare company: Uber and Lyft require passengers and drivers to report any accidents that occur during a ride.
  7. Notify your insurance company: Even if you were a ride-sharing vehicle passenger, it’s still important to report the accident to your insurance company.
  8. Consult with an attorney: Rideshare accidents involve complex legal issues. An experienced attorney can guide you through the claims process, deal with insurance companies on your behalf, and ensure your rights are protected.

Common Challenges in Rideshare Accident Claims

Rideshare accident claims can present challenges that are often more complex than those involved in standard auto accident claims:

Complex Insurance Policies

Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft carry large insurance policies, typically up to $1 million, to cover their drivers and passengers. However, these policies only apply under specific conditions based on the driver’s status at the time of the accident (app off, app on but no ride accepted, ride accepted, or passenger in car).

Proving Negligence

Establishing negligence is a critical part of any personal injury claim. This involves proving that the rideshare driver owed a duty of care, that they breached this duty, and that the breach caused your injuries. Proving these elements can be challenging, especially without the help of a professional.

Independent Contractor Status

Rideshare companies classify their drivers as independent contractors, not employees. This often allows them to deny liability for a driver’s negligence. While recent legal battles have challenged this classification, it still presents a significant hurdle in many cases.

Multiple Parties Involved

Rideshare accidents often involve multiple parties, including the rideshare driver, the rideshare company, other drivers, and multiple insurance companies. Coordinating with all these parties and their insurers can be a daunting task.

Despite these challenges, victims of rideshare accidents are not without recourse.

Frantz Law Group has extensive experience handling such cases. Their skilled attorneys understand the complexities of rideshare insurance policies and know how to establish negligence effectively. They’re well-versed in dealing with the independent contractor issue and are adept at managing the many parties involved in these cases.

With their comprehensive knowledge and strategic approach, Frantz Law Group can navigate the intricacies of rideshare accident claims, providing victims with the representation they need to seek justice and fair compensation.

Clarifying Your Concerns

1. Who is liable in a rideshare accident?

The liability in a rideshare accident depends on several factors, including who was at fault for the accident, whether the rideshare driver was logged into the app, and if they had accepted a ride. It could be the rideshare driver, another driver involved in the accident, or even the company itself.

2. Can I sue Uber or Lyft after a rideshare accident?

While Uber and Lyft classify their drivers as independent contractors to limit their liability, there are circumstances under which you can sue the companies directly. This often depends on the specific facts of your case.

3. What compensation can I receive from a rideshare accident claim?

The compensation you can receive from a rideshare accident claim will depend on the specifics of your case, such as the severity of your injuries and the extent of your financial losses. You may be entitled to damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

4. How long do I have to file a claim after a rideshare accident?

The statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim varies by state. In California, it’s two years from the date of the accident. It’s crucial to consult with an attorney promptly after a rideshare accident to ensure your claim is filed within the required timeframe.

Frantz Law Group: Your Ally in Rideshare Accident Claims

Frantz Law Group stands as your steadfast ally in rideshare accident claims. With a client-focused approach, our firm prioritizes personalized attention and unwavering commitment to your needs.

Our seasoned car accident attorneys bring their extensive expertise in handling complex rideshare accident cases to the fore, navigating the intricacies of these claims with precision and tenacity.

In the face of a rideshare accident, expert legal representation is not just advantageous—it’s essential.

Reach out to Frantz Law Group today for a free consultation, and let us champion your cause.