As it stands, San Diego’s various means of mass transit operate in close proximity with all other forms of traffic. This is not unusual, and it is not necessarily bad, but is there a better way to serve the travel needs of the city’s residents?
Well, a transportation consultant has developed what is being called The Quickway Proposal, which is an all-encompassing plan to dedicate bridges, tunnels and other types pathways for the exclusive use of various forms of mass transit.
The basic idea is to completely separate streetcars, buses, traditional subways and light rail from other road traffic by having those vehicles travel on so-called “quickways.” The quickways are two-lane thoroughfares that go above or below pedestrians and other traffic.
The plan was developed after years of working with various planners and citizens. Part of the design includes building more stations in areas where people want to travel. What’s more, the transportation consultant claims that, if implemented, the plan would cost taxpayers less money that the plans that are currently in place.
The transportation consultant admits that The Quickway Proposal is not in San Diego’s immediate future, if at all. However, the idea is certainly intriguing. If such a plan were implemented, not only might travel around the city become faster and more convenient, but perhaps safer as well. Less commingling of public transit vehicles with other vehicle and pedestrian traffic means less likelihood of collisions.
For the time being, San Diegans must remain vigilant when it comes to staying safe around trains, buses and all other forms of mass transit. All of these vehicles are built to transport many people at a time and are, therefore, large and powerful and can do a great deal of damage in a collision.
If you or someone you love should have the misfortune of being injured by a public transportation vehicle, you may wish to get in touch with a personal injury attorney, The attorney may be able to help you get compensation to pay for your medical expenses as well as the costs you may incur for treatment and rehabilitation.