San Diego is a vital, metropolitan city. As such, many of the city’s residents prefer to live a healthy, active lifestyle. With terrific weather all yearlong, San Diegans can even stay active as they travel from here to there, about town or in their neighborhoods. Bicycles are a very popular form of transportation that provides riders with great exercise while leaving no carbon footprint.
When cyclists are able to stick to trails and other routes with no or limited automobile traffic, they are generally very safe. But often, riders have to share the road with motor vehicles. When such is the case, one would hope that motorists would take special care whenever they are in close proximity to those on bikes. Unfortunately, sometimes automobiles do collide with bicycles, often with tragic results.
Bicycles typically have just as much right as cars and trucks to travel on San Diego’s roadways. Motorists who fail to recognize the rights of bicyclists by crowding them or cutting them off are placing the lives of these riders in jeopardy. And if a motorist’s disregard for a bicyclist’s safety leads to a serious or fatal accident, that driver may be held liable for his or her actions.
If a member of your family is killed or seriously injured in an automobile-bicycle accident due to the negligent actions of a driver, you may find it beneficial to contact an attorney. Frantz Law Group has experience in helping clients who wish to pursue compensation in cases where victims have been fatally injured or have suffered life-altering injuries. You can read about our extensive record of helping our clients on this website.