
In this post, we will explore the frequency of train derailments and highlight some legal insights related to this issue.

Three train derailments per day. This figure might seem alarmingly high, but it’s the reality of rail transport in the United States.

Each derailment disrupts lives, damages property, and raises questions about railroad safety and accountability. Every incident is a stark reminder of the inherent risks of rail travel and transport.

And for those directly affected by such incidents, understanding their frequency, impact, and legal implications is critical.

This article will shed light on the frequency and impact of train derailments. We aim to provide clear, comprehensive information for those who have been—or could be—affected by such incidents as we explore potential legal remedies.

Train Derailments: How Often Do They Happen?

While not an everyday occurrence for most people, train derailments are far more common than many realize.

In the United States of America, an average of 1,300 trains derail each year—equating to roughly three and a half derailments per day. Data shows that these derailments account for 61% of all train accidents.

While these figures may seem high, the Association of American Railroads clarifies that most derailments occur within rail yards. Most derailments do not happen on the open tracks, where they could cause more harm to passengers and bystanders.

Overall accidents involving train derailments have fallen by over 40% since 2000. However,  this doesn’t negate the potential for catastrophic incidents.

In 2023, a single derailment involving a Norfolk Southern Train in East Palestine, Ohio carrying hazardous chemicals led to massive explosions and fires, causing at least one death and dozens of injuries.

Furthermore, from 2021 to 2022, fatalities at highway-rail crossings increased by 16%, underscoring the potential danger of these incidents.

Causes of Train Derailments

In 2022, most train derailments were attributed to human error, surpassing railroad track defects as the leading cause. However, in previous years, track defects were the most common reason for trains going off the rails.

Human errors are commonly due to fatigue among railroad workers. Some are pointing out that fatigue management should be a top priority for the industry.

The causes for passenger train vs freight train derailments also differ. In 2022, 22% of freight train derailments were attributed to track defects, including broken rails and track geometry issues.

Other contributing factors include extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain or snow, which can cause track washouts or create slippery conditions that lead to derailments.

The Impact of Train Derailments on Passengers and Communities

Train derailments can result in physical injury or even loss of life, but their effects extend far beyond these.

For passengers involved in a derailment, the experience can be traumatizing. The sudden jolt of train cars off the tracks, the chaos of the moment, the fear of collisions, and the potential for serious injury can instill fear and anxiety long after the incident.

Railway employees and first responders also bear the brunt of these accidents. They face the risk of injury or death and may also experience psychological trauma. Worse, derailments from train tracks can lead to job loss or suspension, adding financial stress to a difficult situation.

The effects of train derailments ripple out into surrounding communities as well.

Homes and businesses near the derailment site may suffer property damage, especially if the train carries hazardous materials and toxic chemicals. Cleanup efforts can disrupt daily life, forcing road closures and diverting traffic.

A derailment can still have significant economic impacts even when there’s no immediate threat to public safety. For example, derailments often cause delays in the delivery of goods, which can affect businesses across the country.

Legal Complexities in Train Derailment Cases

Train derailment cases present unique legal complexities, often involving a tangled web of liability, negligence, and compensation claims.

Firstly, determining liability in a train derailment can be challenging. Numerous entities could potentially bear responsibility, including the following:

In many cases, negligence plays a key role.

For example, if a derailment occurred because a train operator was speeding, failed to obey signals, or did not adhere to rail safety measures, this could constitute negligence.

Similarly, if poor track maintenance or faulty equipment led to derailment, the companies responsible for these areas could be found negligent.

However, proving negligence is often easier said than done. Train derailments typically involve significant damage, making it challenging to gather the necessary evidence.

Railway companies and insurers have substantial resources and will likely mount vigorous defenses with their legal team.

Compensation in train derailment cases can cover a range of damages. Victims may seek reimbursement for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and compensation for pain and suffering.

In the case of a fatality, surviving family members may pursue a wrongful death claim.

Note: Each state has its statutes of limitations for filing such claims. Missing these deadlines can cause you to lose the right to seek compensation.

Given these complexities, victims of train derailments often benefit from seeking legal counsel. Experienced attorneys can navigate the intricacies of these cases, helping victims hold negligent parties accountable and secure the compensation they deserve.

The Importance of Expert Legal Representation

Train derailments are complex cases where victims must navigate a maze of federal and state regulations, insurance company pushbacks, and potentially multiple liable parties.

This is where law firms with specific expertise and experience in handling such cases come into play.

Frantz Law Group has a proven track record in dealing with personal injury cases, including those related to train derailments. Our team of personal injury attorneys understands the nuances of transportation law and the Federal Railroad Administration’s regulations, which are critical in these cases. We are skilled at investigating these incidents, identifying liable parties, and building robust cases that stand strong in court.

An experienced train accident attorney can help victims gather and preserve crucial evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent their interests in court if necessary. They can also help ensure that victims file their claims within the statutes of limitations, preserving their right to seek compensation.

Having a legal team like the Frantz Law Group on your side can provide invaluable peace of mind during a challenging time. Knowing that experienced professionals are advocating for your rights can allow victims to focus on their recovery, rather than the intricacies of their legal case.

Steps to Take After a Train Derailment

Experiencing a train derailment can be a traumatizing event. However, knowing the right steps to take in the immediate aftermath and long term can significantly protect your rights and interests.

Immediate Steps

Long-term Steps

Addressing Common Challenges in Train Derailment Claims

Train derailment claims can be fraught with challenges, given the multiple players involved and the complexity of transportation laws. Some obstacles that victims often face include:

Dealing with large transportation entities: Rail companies are often large corporations with ample resources to defend against claims. They may have their investigators and legal teams working to minimize their liability.

Insurance issues: Insurance companies may try to downplay the extent of damages or injuries to limit their payout. They might also dispute liability or delay the settlement process.

Proving negligence: Demonstrating negligence requires thorough investigation and evidence collection. Victims must prove that a party had a duty of care, breached that duty, and that the breach directly led to their injuries.

Complex regulations: The railway industry is governed by federal and state regulations. Understanding these laws and how they apply to a specific case can be complex.

Multiple liable parties: Liability in train derailments can fall on various parties, including the train operator, track owner, equipment manufacturers, or maintenance companies. Identifying all liable parties is crucial to ensuring full compensation.

Demystifying Train Derailment Claims

Here are some common questions and answers related to train derailment incidents and associated legal procedures:

What causes train derailments?

Train derailments can happen for various reasons, including mechanical failure, track defects, operator error, or extreme weather conditions.

Who can be held liable in a train derailment?

Liability can fall on various parties depending on the cause of the derailment. This could include train operators, track owners, equipment manufacturers, or maintenance companies.

What damages can I claim after a train derailment?

Victims may be able to claim for medical expenses, loss of income, reportable damage of property, and pain and suffering. If a loved one was killed in the derailment, you might also be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit.

How long do I have to file a claim?

The statute of limitations varies by state, but it’s typically between one to three years from the date of the accident. In California, victims have two years to file a personal injury claim and two years from the date of death for wrongful death claims. Consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure you don’t miss this deadline.

Do I need a lawyer to file a claim?

While you technically can file a claim independently, seeking legal representation is highly recommended. Train derailment cases can be complex, and having an experienced attorney can help ensure that your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve.

How can Frantz Law Group help me?

Frantz Law Group has extensive experience handling complex personal injury cases, including train derailments. They can guide you through the legal complexities, help determine liability, and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Protect Your Rights with Frantz Law Group

With Frantz Law Group by your side, you can rest assured that you’re in capable hands.

Frantz Law Group prides itself on its client-centered approach. The firm is dedicated to providing personalized attention to each case, understanding that every situation is unique. Our attorneys take the time to fully understand your circumstances, working tirelessly to build a compelling case on your behalf.

Don’t delay in seeking the legal support you need. Contact Frantz Law Group today at (855) 735-5945 to schedule your free consultation.