A fire that goes out of control is a frightening and truly destructive force of nature. Once a fire grows to large proportions, it can cause devastating amounts of damage to wildlife and personal property. Moreover, serious injuries caused by a fire could require victims to undergo long-term and painful treatment. The injuries might even prove fatal.
Recently, a fire that occurred at the Sherwin Grade, west of Highway 395, ravaged an area covering 7,000 acres. According to the incident information posted on the CAL FIRE website, the Round Fire is responsible for destroying 40 residences and outbuildings. Additionally, five more residences were also listed as having been damaged.
The incident information indicates that four people suffered injuries in the Round Fire. The residents of Paradise and Swall Meadows who were affected by the blaze have been allowed to return to the location of their homes, but they still must be on their guard. The homes could be structurally unstable. Additionally, ash in the soil may contain hazardous chemicals.
As of this latest report, the cause of the fire is still under investigation.
In cases such as the one described in this post, a thorough investigation could lead to uncovering what or who was responsible for the fire. If it is discovered that the fire was due to negligence, then those who lost so much may be eligible to file a civil suit for damages.
At the very least, those who have insurance policies should be able to collect for damages as well as medical expenses. But sometimes when such tragic events take place, insurance companies want to rush through making payments and not give policyholders all that they may be entitled to.
If you have suffered serious losses due to a fire, you may wish to consider taking on the services of a California attorney who understands how to pursue the various possible sources of compensation. The attorney could look at the entirety of your situation and help you determine the amount of money you need for your recovery, as well as the best way to possibly secure your compensation.